Preparing for a Better Planet
Tidal Studios is based right on Poole Harbour in Dorset and (as if you hadn’t already noticed) we love living and working on the coast. There’s nothing quite like an early morning walk to clear the cobwebs and getting the creative juices flowing. Poole Harbour is the world’s second largest natural harbour and it supports not just a multitude of marine life but is also crucial for local industry and the wider community.
So we were thrilled to be commissioned to create a brand new website and logo design for Oceans to Earth, a local community-based interest company (CIC) focussing on environmental concerns. O2E promotes environmental awareness and offers sustainability consultancy services to businesses and education. They are are a real ‘hands-on’ operation, teaming up with other local and national organisations to co-ordinate pro-active change and environmental protections.
Founders Jake Sculthorp and Rosie Bailey originally set up the organisation (initially called GoPladdle) in 2018 by literally litter-picking the harbour using their kayaks. As word of their endeavours grew, so did their support and they now receive sponsorship from (amongst others) the Poole Harbour Commission, the Port of Poole Marina, Rockfish seafood restaurants and the Word Forest Organisation. Tidal Studios are indeed proud to also be one of Oceans to Earth’s main sponsors and help out with their promotions and marketing.

Having already been involved with GoPladdle and the Big Harbour Clean Up, we treated Oceans to Earth as being an umbrella organisation for all of their environmental activities and projects. We began with designing a new logo, creating a harmonised ‘ying and yang’ motif comprised of a wave and a leaf. We used a strong, clear colour scheme and a ‘friendly’, informal typeface. Colours were then migrated across to the website design which acts primarily as a hub for all of O2E’s various projects and a point-of-reference for any interested individuals, businesses and schools. We’ve also designed a series of merchandise, including sustainably sourced clothing, which will be available to purchase online in the near future.
Find out more
If you have a project that you’d like to discuss, give us a ring on 07984 664860 or drop us a quick message using the secure contact form below.